Vegetation Monitoring Assessments


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+27 79 973 2024







Basal and canopy cover can be monitored to see the impact of management changes and rehabilitation is on the vegetation cover and associated interaction with soil erosion and water run-off.

Integrated system for Plant dynamics showing degradation index

Biomass Production Surveys

the Disk Pasture Meter in circumstances where rapid fuel load calculations for available biomass on a regular basis for fire and land management decisions based on the adaptive management principles and for conservation agriculture. The Dry Weight Rank method can be performed, where more detailed information is required, in terms of individual species contribution to total biomass production and how species react to management changes and decisions. This includes how the herbaceous layer affects the optimal wildlife species mixes and grazing capacities and stocking rates in complex wildlife systems.

Species Composition & Veld Condition Assessment

These are critical veld management indicators of the ecological status of an ecosystem and Sekela Impilo Services (SES) have developed monitoring tools to monitor this. This information is used to calculate grazing and browsing carrying capacities and the associated stocking rates and optimal species mixes to ensure the landowner is maximizing profit, without causing detrimental changes to the environment and the ecosystems services they provide the landowner with. This is done to ensure land is managed sustainably and that the regenerative potential of the ecosystem is not adversely affected and to ensure legal compliance with relevant acts and regulations.

Landscape Function Analysis (LFA)

LFA is a monitoring procedure that uses quickly determined field indicators to assess the functional status of eco-systems such as: grassland, savannas, etc. 

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+27 79 973 2024

1 Beylena Villas Reyno Crescent Reyno Ridge ext Witbank

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