Game & Livestock Management

Get In Touch

+27 79 973 2024







Game & Livestock Management Services:

Service #1

Soil and land capability mapping which informs the vegetation and animal management units

Service #2

Ecological and/or ecological carrying capacity determination
grazing management systems (rotational, continuous, high density, etc.)

Service #3

Mapping of vegetation management units

Service #4

Rehabilitation, Ecological Restoration, Reclamation & Revegetation Plane

Service #5

Bush encroachment management plan

Service #6

Soil erosion mapping, classification, methods of repair, maintenance and monitoring which is incorporated with rehabilitation, restoration, reclamation and revegetation requirements to ensure root cause and symptoms addressed adequately and sustainably

Service #7

Mapping of all infrastructure (water, buildings, roads, power supply, fencing, etc.)

Service #8

Vegetation monitoring (canopy cover, basal cover, biomass production, species composition, landscape functional analysis)

Service #9

To determine the current stocking rates and to adapt animal numbers according to the grazing capacity and browsing capacity. 

Service #10

Fire management plan (including firebreaks, control burns, fuel load management, etc.,)

Service #11

Alien plant control mapping and integrated alien plant control program (initial, follow up, maintenance and monitoring) with associated budget requirements

Service #12

To maximize profits without degrading veld and natural resources by ensuring correct species mixes of bulk grazers, selective grazers, mixed feeders, and browsers.  

Service #13

Supplementary feeding requirements to address:
1) shortages in quantities, qualities with the aim of improving animal condition in terms of mass, growth rates and trophy size. 
2) To manipulate grazing and/or browsing habitats and to increase usage of poorly utilized and degraded areas.
3) Artificially attracting and/or concentrating wildlife to enhance recreational usage (eg: hunting, eco-tourism and photography)

Impala live game sales in progress

Gully erosion repairs

Game Census to determine current animal numbers & to calculate sex ratios

Use of fire to control bush enocroachment

Left hand side managed, right hand side unmanaged

Get In Touch

+27 79 973 2024

1 Beylena Villas Reyno Crescent Reyno Ridge ext Witbank

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