Erosion Control

The effects of soil erosion go beyond the loss of fertile land. It has led to increased pollution and sedimentation in streams and rivers, clogging these waterways and causing declines in fish and other species. And degraded lands are also often less able to hold onto water, which can worsen flooding.

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+27 79 973 2024






Types of Soil Erosion:

Sheet Erosion

Rill Erosion

Gully Erosion

Donga Erosion

Terracettes Erosion

Hummocking Erosion


Wind Erosion

Water Erosion

Floodplain Erosion

Main Objectives of Soil Erosion Control:

Objective #1

To reduce the effect and impact of raindrop slash erosion on exposed soil surfaces.

Objective #2

To keep rainwater on the soil surface for along as possible without causing waterlogging, but allowing time for water and nutrient infiltration into the soil profile.

Objective #3

To reduce the velocity and impact of run off water and in so doing the erosive force and capability of water on unprotected soil surfaces.

Objective #4

To provide practical and economically viable methods to hold back and retain invaluable soil, plant and animal debris and organic matter, animal faeces and seeds that may be carried away by the run-off water if left uncontrolled and unmanaged.

Objective #5

To improve water holding capacity and water retention capability of the soil by increasing soil carbon content and the also increasing the cation exchange capability of the soil which increases the potential of the soil to uptake nutrients.

Objective #6

To change mineral and organic imbalances and shortages in the degraded soils and thereby improving the soil conditions for pioneer vegetation establishment and to allow natural successional processes to re-establish, thought correct and sustainable land management practices and interventions.

Objective #7

To keep rainwater on the soil surface for along as possible without causing To provide protected and relative stable sites for pioneer and annual vegetation that are still in the early phases of vegetational succession to re-establish and over time rebuild the ecosystem and improve soil conditions. This will result in improved micro-climate and soil conditions and positive transition into alternative state along the successional continuum in the vegetation community and structure., but allowing time for water and nutrient infiltration into the soil profile.


It’s important that we follow a process of planning. mapping, prioritization, monitoring and maintenance of erosion. 


It’s importance to use vegetation cover as an erosion control mitigation measure

Possible Solutions to Sheet Erosion

-Crust breaking
-Physical amelioration
-Animal hoof action
-Brush packing

 Water Harvesting Techniques for Soil Erosion Controls

-Basin plough creating artificial basin
– Contour lining
– Reseeding with Pastures
– Reseeding with native species to restore veld productivity and biodiversity

Possible Solutions to Rill Erosion

– Contour lining
– Brush packing
– Weirs
– Barriers
– Gabion head structure for gully and donga erosion
– Gabion with steps and chute to reduce water speed and channeling
– Concrete check dam with water velocity reduction structures
– Stone check dam with apron
– Brush check dam 
– Straw and Bale check dam

Get In Touch

+27 79 973 2024

1 Beylena Villas Reyno Crescent Reyno Ridge ext Witbank

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